The Me Page
Please visit with your student. Your child will need to login with his/her login account information from technology class. If your child does not remember this login please email Mrs. Biggs ( have it sent to you. The Me Page has many web based applications that your student uses at school. These applications can be used at home too.
Your child is welcomed to bring headphones to technology class. Your child is responsible for the headphones. They may not be left in technology class. If your child brings earbuds, please place them in a baggy so they don't get too tangled.
Type to Learn 4
Students in grades 3-5 will be using Type to Learn 4 this school year. We have used this program in past years. There is a little change this year. We are no longer using the downloadable program. If you downloaded this program on your home computer, it may no longer work. Instead, we are using a cloud based version. Your child can access it through the Me Page ( He/she will need the access code (113048) and his/her login information.