​​​​​​​PTA News - Sept 2017

Wendell's Fun Run on Wednesday 9/20!
The main fundraiser for this year's PTA is Wendell’s Fun Run! It’s a 9-day programthat kicked off with a pep rally on Monday 9/11. Families can now gather pledges for every lap your student runs (30-35 laps), and we’ll celebrate at the Fun Run on Wednesday 9/20! With our lofty goal of raising $20,000 for exciting and enriching programs and events for Bollman Bridge, we asked the Fun Run experts at Boosterthon to power our Fun Run and make it more profitable, easier, and fun.

Students will also enjoy an amazing character theme, CASTLE QUEST! an English castle theme all about being brave and living with character. On their quest to regain Bravemore Castle, students will learn the “Six Virtues of a True Hero” from a cast of colorful characters.

Donations contribute directly toward enriching programs for our school and to the entire 9-day experience. So please help Bollman Bridge by reaching out to sponsors. Also, all families are invited to come out and cheer on your student at the Fun Run on Wednesday 9/20! 

Volunteers are needed to hand out water to our runners on Wednesday 9/20 from 9-10am or 10-11am or all morning! Helping hands are also needed for the official money count as collections begin, on Friday 9/29 from 8-10am, Friday 10/6 from 8-9am, or Friday 10/13 from 8-9am. Please contact bollmanbridgepta@gmail.com if you can help any time! Thank you for your support!


Save Those Box Tops for Education!
With your help last year, Box Tops for Education were able to raise over $2000! A portion of those earnings were used to buy a water filtration system for our teachers and facility. Thank you! Please keep clipping and turning in those Box Tops this year!

Fall 2017 Contests
Random monthly drawings will happen at the beginning of each month for the previous month.  Any student can win, regardless of how many Box Tops are turned in.  The class that turns in the most Box Tops wins a Pump-It-Up party on a weeknight!  Top teacher, grade and student totals continue to the spring prize drawing.  Submission deadline: October 23rd, 2017

Important Box Top Reminders!
Check your Box Tops for expiration dates!  Box Tops don’t need to be perfect, but you do need to be able to see the expiration date and acronym in the left corner. Include your child’s name, grade and teacher on a resealable zipper storage bag to be considered for the contest. Don’t forget to include your information on collection sheets also! (Collection sheets are optional!  Please do not put bonus certificates on the collection sheets. (Send those in separately!) Drop them in the Box Tops “monster” in each grade’s pod to enter the contests.  Sign-up at www.boxtops4education.com to see how our school is doing, to get extra collection sheets, and to receive exclusive deals throughout the year.  Thanks for clipping and saving!

Plan Ahead for 2017 Spirit Nights!
Mark your calendar now for the following dates, when these local businesses donate a portion of their proceeds to Bollman Bridge. Tell all your friends and family to support Bollman Bridge by eating out!

Wednesday 9/27 - Red Robin, 4-8pm (8640 Snowden River Parkway, Columbia, MD 21045)
Wednesday 10/11 - Grotto Pizza, 4-9pm (7075 Minstrel Way, Columbia, MD 21046)
Monday 10/23 - Chick-Fil-A on Johns Hopkins Road, All Day (10975 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723)
Thursday 11/2 - BJ's Restaurant, 4-8pm (6181 Columbia Crossing Circle, Columbia, MD 21045)
Tuesday 11/21 - Chipotle, 4-8pm (6181 Old Dobbin Lane, Columbia, MD 21045)
Monday 12/11 - Chick-Fil-A on Johns Hopkins Road, All Day (10975 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723)
Thursday 12/21 - Buffalo Wild Wings, 5-8pm (6191 Columbia Crossing Circle, Columbia, MD 21045).