From the PTA

The PTA needs you! 


Wondering how you can help the PTA? We have two open positions for next year's Executive Board. Those positions are:

PTACHC Representative (PTA Council of Howard County) What is a  PTACHC Rep? Click here:

Staff Liason (must be a BBES staff member) If you're interested or if you would like more information Please email:

Box Tops Update

The contest for top student & top teachers will be ending as of Friday June 2nd.  This means that you have until June 2nd to bring in your unexpired Boxtops! Remember for a Boxtop to be valid it needs to have an expiration date (that’s not expired) as well as a product code.  The Boxtops label missing this information isn’t worth any money for our school. As for May, the fourth grade still has keeps the trophy.  There is still a chance to steal the trophy for the summer.  I’ll make the final announcement on the last week of school. We earned a total of $2,105.70 for the 2016-2017 school year!! Awesome job Bollman Bridge!

If you’d like to try and win extra Boxtops for our school check out for the Hefty “Get Ready for Summer Fun” Sweepstakes.  You can enter daily until 6/30/2071.  Any Boxtops turned in after March 2017 count towards next year’s earnings check so keep turning them in and don’t forget to collect Boxtops over the summer!

The 4th Grade ice-cream social to celebrate being the top grade for the school will be on Tuesday, May 30th, 2017 at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria.  Siblings are welcome.