Important News

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Picture Day - Sept 24

Wed, 09/19/2018 - 8:11pm

Picture envelopes will be coming home this week. Students should have completed forms and payment with them in their backpack on Monday morning. If you paid online, students should still bring in the completed form.
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Back to School Nights - Sept. 24 and 25

Wed, 09/19/2018 - 8:11pm

Please see dates and times for above for our Back to School Nights next week. Parents are encouraged to carpool and utilize the middle school parking lot as parking will be limited. We will begin together in the cafeteria at 6:30 and then move on to your child's homeroom class.
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Family File – Emergency Contact Information

Wed, 09/19/2018 - 8:10pm

Thank you to all the families who have completed their Family File. All families must update this in HCPSS Connect each school year. Please check the accuracy for ALL sections of the Family File including address, phone numbers, email addresses, emergency contacts, and emergency dismissal procedures and HIT SUBMIT after each section.
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Flu Shots

Wed, 09/19/2018 - 8:10pm

The flu shot is coming to BBES on Wednesday, October 10! See the attached form (English or Spanish ) to sign up your student BY FRIDAY, SEPT 21. Please return the hard copy form, OR register online-- not both!
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Girls on the Run Registration Opened August 19

Thu, 09/06/2018 - 1:33pm

Please read for information about Girls on the Run.
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Nation of Origin Survey

Thu, 09/06/2018 - 1:32pm

At Bollman Bridge Elementary, we are proud of the diversity that our families bring to our community. We want to display this diversity by hanging flags in the building and want to ensure that we've included all nations of origin of our families. We hope you'll consider completing the survey so that your family is represented! Please know that this is strictly voluntary. BBES Survey
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Welcome to BBES 2018-2-19

Thu, 09/06/2018 - 1:31pm

Please read for information about emergency drills, arrival and dismissal procedures and absent student procedures.
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Car Loop Update

Thu, 09/06/2018 - 1:31pm

More Car Loop News Today we began providing name plates to those who will be picking up students from our car loop. These should always be placed facing out through the front windshield so that we can easily see student names during afternoon pick up. We believe this will increase the efficiency of our car loop.
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Welcome Ms. Tracy!

Tue, 08/07/2018 - 11:50am

Ms. Tracy is excited to join the staff of Bollman Bridge Elementary School! She was most recently the Assistant Principal at Dayton Oaks Elementary and prior to that worked as an Elementary School Counselor in Anne Arundel County Public Schools for 13 years.
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2018-2019 Supply School List

Tue, 07/17/2018 - 12:08pm

2018-2019 School Supply List
