Free and Reduced Priced Meals and School Lunch Update

Free and Reduced Priced Meals:                                                                                     

Please complete the form at the link below to apply for free or reduced priced lunch for your child.  We will continue to have free breakfast for everyone this year; however, lunch is not free anymore unless you qualify.  Lunch will cost $2.80 this year.

School Lunch Update:

We wanted to highlight that there are many new menu items this year.  In addition, the salad bar is open again, which includes various fresh fruits and vegetables.  One change is that pizza is NOT an option every day like it has been in the past.  Be sure to check out the menu at to assist your child with knowing the choices. Please note, that due to various food shortages, adjustments may have to be made to the daily choices.  It is a good idea to discuss a first choice and second choice with your child in case one of the noted choices is not available that day..