Counseling Corner

Thu, 12/20/2018 - 12:51pm

Your school counselors are excited to offer several groups this Spring!  Should your child participate in a group, you will receive weekly updates on the activity and topic covered in group, as well as extra resources that can assist you in following up with your student at home.  If you would like for your student to be considered for a group with a school counselor, please fill out the linked FORM by January 4th.

Spring 2019 Groups

Friendship Group:  KINDERGARTEN Social Skills Group, During Lunch (10:50-11:20). (Tuesdays; 2/12 - 4/2; 8 weeks)

In this small group, students will learn skills to make and keep friends. Topics include: initiating play, ways to share, conflict resolution strategies, and reflecting on the qualities of a good friend. Students will hear stories, act out scenarios, draw, and play to practice these skills. If you would like your child to participate in this kindergarten social skills group, please complete the linked FORM by January 4th. Space is limited to five students. This group will be co-facilitated by school counseling intern, Ms. Ori Onazi, from Johns Hopkins University.

Zones of Regulation: Open to SECOND & THIRD GRADERS, DURING LUNCH. This group is by teacher referral only.

The Zones is an evidence-based, systematic, cognitive behavioral approach used to teach self-regulation by categorizing all the different ways we feel into four concrete colored zones.  The Zones framework provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, manage their sensory needs, and improve their ability to problem solve conflicts. Please contact your child’s teacher to discuss referral for this group.  

Growth Mindset: Open to FOURTH GRADERS, DURING LUNCH (1:20-1:50 pm). (Mondays; 2/4 - 3/25; 8 weeks)

This small group will focus on the work of Stanford University psychologist, Carol Dweck Ph.D.  Dweck’s research supports the idea that people with a fixed mindset—those who believe that abilities are fixed—are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset—those who believe that abilities can be developed. This group will focus on understanding the concept of mindset, and identifying strategies to develop a growth mindset in school and life! If you would like your child to participate in this group, please complete the linked FORM by January 4th. Space is limited to five students. This group will be co-facilitated by school counseling intern, Ms. Ori Onazi, from Johns Hopkins University.

Worry Warriors:  Open to THIRD GRADERS, DURING LUNCH (12:20-12:50). (8 weeks, Mondays starting in February. (Feb 4 - Apr 1) 

This small group will focus on strategies for managing stress and anxiety, including: deep breathing, reframing negative thoughts, and coping skills. Worry Warriors will learn about the purpose of stress and maintaining a healthy balance. Students will explore causes of stress and identify strategies. If you would like for your student to be considered for Worry Warriors, please fill out the linked FORM by January 4th. Space is limited to 5 participants.

Change Makers:  FIFTH GRADE Boys’ Empowerment Group, DURING LUNCH (12:50-1:20 pm). (Wednesdays, February-April; 8-weeks)

In this small group, participants will focus on strengthening self-esteem and self-perception, creating a positive self-image, and becoming positive leaders in their communities.  Specific group topics will focus on developing a growth mindset and identifying feelings, handling conflict, identifying support systems and positive role models, handling peer pressure, and using social media appropriately and safely.  If you would like for your student to be considered for this group, please fill out the linked FORM by January 4th. Space is limited.  

Math-Themed Growth Mindset:  FIFTH GRADE (December-February).

Is your student capable of tackling challenging math work but gets stuck working through struggle and frustration?  This small group will focus on the work of Stanford University psychologist, Carol Dweck Ph.D. Dweck’s research supports the idea that people with a fixed mindset—those who believe that abilities are fixed—are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset—those who believe that abilities can be developed.  This group will focus on strategies to reframe challenging work as fun, the power of thinking positively, avoiding different thinking traps, and persevering when work gets difficult.  We will additionally develop other strategies for working through frustration in productive ways. Students will warm up each session with a fun math game prior to group. If you are interested in having your student participate in this group, please contact Ms. Weaver ( for referral by January 4, 2019.