Wellness Wisdom

Wed, 04/19/2017 - 1:17pm

The choices you and your children make are essential to good health. To lead a healthy active life, families can strive to reach these 5-2-1-0 goals:

  • 5 fruits and vegetables a day
  • 2 hours or less of screen time per day (TV, computer, video games)
  • 1 hour of physical activity a day
  • 0 limit sugar-sweetened drinks

To help children live healthy active lives, parents can:

  • Be role models - make healthy eating and daily physical activity part of YOUR everyday life
  • Create a home where healthy choices are available and encouraged
  • Find ways to make it FUN (play tag, go for a nature walk, make an obstacle course, cook healthy food together, skip instead of walking) www.healthychildren.org