Update Your Students’ Emergency Contact Information

Fri, 09/16/2016 - 6:12pm

Emergency contact information must be updated each year, even if there aren't any changes.    It is critical that this be done as soon as possible.  Students' whose parents have not updated this information for this school year will not be permitted to go on field trips.  Please go to http://www.hcpss.org/connect/ to log in to HCPSS Connect.  There are helpful guides and Frequently Asked Questions on this page as well.  We are asking that we have 100% of our families complete this no later than September 22.  


Helpful Tips:

1.  You will need to know the email address that you used when registering your child for school.

2.  If you don't know your password, you can reset this. However, you must have access to that email account to receive the new password.

3. You must click through the entire information for each of your children, even if there are no changes.

4. You must click submit before it is considered completed.

5.  Best if you use a computer rather than a mobile device.


Additional Help

We will have staff members and computers available to assist parents/guardians who may have trouble updating this information before each of our Back To School Nights from 5:30 - 6:30.  Please drop in during this time if you need assistance.